The LVH, formerly the Las Vegas Hilton, was Sold on October 31, 2012 during a foreclosure auction. It was purchased by Gramercy Capital Corp. and Goldman Sach Mortgage Co LLC, both of whom are investors in the the LVH (which is supposed to mean Las Vegas Hotel & Casino btw…) The property had major financial trouble and defaulted on the
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As you can see from the screenshot of their website, the name change from “Las Vegas Hilton” to the “LVH” or “Las Vegas Hotel” has been completed. The hotel also features some updated rooms as well…. however the star-trek experience-looking section of the casino still remains, even though the ‘star trek experience’ closed years ago.

The Las Vegas Hilton will be getting a new name….. “Las Vegas Hilton New Name” is…. *drumrool please*…….. LVH – Las Vegas Hotel and Casino …. *crowd moans*…. According to an advertisement in the LA Times, the name change will take effect on January 3rd, 2012. Maybe the Hilton should be looking into renovating their hotel.. *cough* and maybe removed
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